viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

For God hath made me fruitful in the land of my affliction." Genesis 41:52

For God hath made me fruitful in the land of my affliction." Genesis 41:52

Summer rains are falling. The poet watches from his window. With its ferocious beat drop and hit the ground. But the poet in his mind not only sees the showers that are falling before their eyes. He sees plenty of beautiful flowers that are soon to sprout from the ground bathed, and have to flood it with unsurpassed beauty and fragrance.

Perhaps some of the children whom God is correcting, is now saying: "This rain is too strong for me tonight."
"It's raining on me temptations that seem to be beyond my power to support them. Setbacks are pouring swiftly and defeated all my plans chosen.
Surely the rain of affliction is bringing down my soul these days. "

But, dude, you're wrong. It is not raining rain it for you. Raining blessings. Because if you would only believe the Word of your Father, you would see that under the punishing rain flowers are born spiritual fragrance and beauty such as never grew before your own life in that peaceful and uncorrected.
Truly you see the rain. But you also see the flowers? You are afflicted by the evidence. But God sees the soft grain of faith that is flowing in your life under those tests. You fear hold you back because of suffering, but God sees, that your soul is born a tender compassion for others who suffer. Your heart is pressed into a deep pain, but God sees the depth and enrichment that has brought you pain.
It's raining troubles for you. Raining tenderness, love, compassion, patience and thousands of other flowers and fruits of the blessed Spirit, which are contributing to your life as spiritual enrichment if any could ever conceived in the depths of your soul the fullness of all prosperity and rest ..
Manantiales en el desierto

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

"Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are to the north and the south, and east and west, because all the land which you see I will give." Genesis 13:14,15.

"Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are to the north and the south, and east and west, because all the land which you see I will give." Genesis 13:14,15. The Holy Spirit can not give you any other instinct than that which he intends to fulfill. So let your faith and lift you up and claim all the land that you can discover. S. A. Keen Everything you learn in the vision of faith is yours. Look as far as possible, because everything belongs to you. All you want to be like MESSIANIC, everything you want done to YHWH, is within the possibilities of faith. So, go even further, and with your Bible in front of you and your soul open to the influence of the Spirit, let your whole being receives the baptism of His presence, and when He opens your understanding to see all His fullness, believe that He has everything for you. Accept for yourself all the promises of His Word, all the desires that He awakens in you, all the possibilities of what you can be as a follower of Yahshua. All the land which you see yourself you have been granted. The current provisions are His Grace come from the inner vision. That puts the instinct in the breast of the bird that is beyond, to cross the continent in search of summer sunlight in southern climates, is too good to deceive. And as surely as He has placed such an instinct, and has also placed a gentle breeze and the sunlight beyond to meet you on arrival. One who instills in our hearts the heavenly hope not mislead us or miss us when apretemos forward to obtain compliance. Selected. "And they found as he had said." Luke 22:13