miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

SHABBAT Especial

safe SHABBAT takes you to rest or go for a walk with your family and perhaps many people use it for work, and where sidewalks everyday one day is like another, the same routine day after day, nothing changes , everything becomes boring sometimes, it is said yourself, nothing changes. But it is a commandment that you should on that day resting, doing nothing and you're supposed to go to fill in the presence of the Holy and blessed ISRAEL but we always have the same thoughts, do not renew our thoughts and always get tired of thinking the same thing, "Be renewed because through the Holy Spirit" says the Bible, and if we do such a thing is the renewal of the Lord and not ourselves , so Sunday is special because if you renew looking at the word of God, sure that when you leave you will not be like when you leave, you will be different because you have renewed, perhaps much or little, depending on how you open your heart to the holy spirit

SHABBAT Especial

safe SHABBAT takes you to rest or go for a walk with your family and perhaps many people use it for work, and where sidewalks everyday one day is like another, the same routine day after day, nothing changes , everything becomes boring sometimes, it is said yourself, nothing changes. But it is a commandment that you should on that day resting, doing nothing and you're supposed to go to fill in the presence of the Holy and blessed ISRAEL but we always have the same thoughts, do not renew our thoughts and always get tired of thinking the same thing, "Be renewed because through the Holy Spirit" says the Bible, and if we do such a thing is the renewal of the Lord and not ourselves , so Sunday is special because if you renew looking at the word of God, sure that when you leave you will not be like when you leave, you will be different because you have renewed, perhaps much or little, depending on how you open your heart to the holy spirit

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011



Reading the Gospel of Mark 6, 15, learned something important in my life when I was going through hard times, law this passage that has really helped me and I think if you put it into practice will serve you well. Yahshua commanded his disciples them to leave first thing in the boat because he had to fire people and then go to pray, from the place that this can be seen praying to his friends who are in danger, because they had problems in the lake then YAHSHUA gives way to go to meet them 'As they could not understand the miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, their lack of understanding here on the boat prevents them from trusting him and recognize him as they approach.

The words of Yahshua returns the faith, sometimes we spend, we know the Lord, and while we deal with a problem we forget that he comes to help and calm the winds of the storm, only his words, not anyone else's more, it helps to solve problems, and that's when our faith through his word faith is renewed

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Maximizing Life Years?.

Maximizing Life Years?.

Many people throughout history have sought the fountain of youth, or the source of eternal life, or just looking for drugs at the time now that you extend more years of life, why have they done this or that yet?, Such once the lack of eternal life, that are not the body you have, but not bad to get to be old, as each stage of life one has its advantages and its beauty, it is important that one, that might inhabits a body of flesh which sits tucked under and cool every day with the Word of YHWH OR Torah, the book of Proverbs tells us chapter 3, verse 1 and 2 "
My son, forget not my Torah, and your heart keep my commandments;

2 For length of days and years of life and peace they will add

If this is true, then what's wrong with aging?

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011



Who could know a person?, I think it is difficult to meet someone at 100% even if you live a lifetime with someone because the heart of man is deceitful, and Yahshua himself said, but you can get an idea of ​​who is one reason why its overt behavior, if you like the liquor, we know it could be an alcoholic to get so far., someone once said "You know the heart of man by what he does and his wisdom for what it says" the only valuable thing a man has is that you could not lose in a shipwreck.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011



We all know the differences between the glass and a diamond, we know that a diamond is worth money, hundreds of dollars, depending on the carat, a glass, no, not worth almost nothing to say nothing, you can see in some cities glass from broken bottles in some sectors, but can never see diamonds in the streets without anyone to take.
Now in our lives we could say the following: "When God waist and feel the pain of that carving, fear not, do not complain, be glad to be a diamond, because God does not stem glass, gemstones size only," God bless you today

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011



Sometimes in life suffer from a pain, but not physical pain but a pain that runs deep, as the death of a relative, a child's escape from the family environment, the same family problems hurt us deeply as if was a stab into the heart, I wonder, is there an answer to this?, seeing the world itself, what is observed is pain everywhere, people suffering, crying, dying, etc., what can we do to alleviate the pain that is continuous in humanity and in ourselves?, not what you but I will turn to a resurrected Yahshua to give me a sweet balsam, as it is in the midst of my tests with me and will do feel that peace within my storm painful, I do not mean you will not feel pain, but amid the most intense pain you may have, there is a peace I can not understand.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

I asked God.

I asked God.

I asked God to remove my bad habits, and he told me.No, it is your responsibility!
I asked him to heal a paralyzed son, not his spirit is healthy, your body is temporary!
I asked him to give me patience.No, this is the product of tribulations, it is granted only learn!
I asked him to give me happiness.I gave you blessings, happiness depends on you!
I asked him to spare me pain.Not the Suffering draws you apart from worldly pleasure and draws you closer to me!
I asked him to spiritual growth.No, you must find your own growth in my word ... I give you power to make you successful!
Finally I asked many things to enjoy life.No, I will give you life, for you to enjoy things.

I asked God.

I asked God.

I asked God to remove my bad habits, and he told me.No, it is your responsibility!
I asked him to heal a paralyzed son, not his spirit is healthy, your body is temporary!
I asked him to give me patience.No, this is the product of tribulations, it is granted only learn!
I asked him to give me happiness.I gave you blessings, happiness depends on you!
I asked him to spare me pain.Not the Suffering draws you apart from worldly pleasure and draws you closer to me!
I asked him to spiritual growth.No, you must find your own growth in my word ... I give you power to make you successful!
Finally I asked many things to enjoy life.No, I will give you life, for you to enjoy things.

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

The Beauty Temple.

The Beauty Temple.

Once Yahshua and his disciples entered the majestic temple of Jerusalem, and they told her teacher wonder that this temple was very nice and there was no place so holy and like that ... Some people admire the beauty and value of the temples, as did the disciples in Jerusalem but Yahshua says the inefficiency of all these riches, "the time is coming when all this that UDS are seeing that no stone was left unturned," Luke 21, 6, I think the most important is how we worship and live to Yahshua and not the place where we gather, is majestic or not.

The Beauty Temple.

The Beauty Temple.

Once Yahshua and his disciples entered the majestic temple of Jerusalem, and they told her teacher wonder that this temple was very nice and there was no place so holy and like that ... Some people admire the beauty and value of the temples, as did the disciples in Jerusalem but Yahshua says the inefficiency of all these riches, "the time is coming when all this that UDS are seeing that no stone was left unturned," Luke 21, 6, I think the most important is how we worship and live to Yahshua and not the place where we gather, is majestic or not.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011



Many people in life seeks to justify his misconduct when you say for example, do not drink do not smoke and so on., The answer is always asking where the Bible says so?

I once asked a great evangelist named Mooby, if there was a verse in the Bible if they banned smoking, he wisely said no, and then he went on ordering a smoking know, people who asked the question and said they were amazed - how's that!?, he replied, - if in Revelation 22-11, "He that is filthy be filthy still."

So if you are justified by the Bible does not say exactly what not to do, always remember that verse.

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

Do you want?

Do you want?

In the Second Book of Kings is a very interesting story about a prophet of YHWH called Elisha and the widow,
, "A woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead and thou knowest that thy servant did fear YHWH: and the creditor is come to take my two sons for servants. 2 And Elisha said, What shall I do? Tell me what you have at home. And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil. 3 And he said unto him, Go, borrow thee vessels borrowed from all your neighbors, empty vessels not a few. 4Entra then closes the door behind you and upon thy sons, and pour out into all the vessels, and being a full, put it aside. 5Y's wife left him, and shut the door upon her and upon her sons, and they reached her glasses, and she poured out. 6 And as the vessels were full, he said to her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said: No more glasses. Then the oil stopped flowing. 7Vino her course, and told the man of YHWH which he said, Go, sell the oil and pay your creditors, and you and your sons can live on what they leave. ".
Today hundreds of thousands of people are expecting a miracle in your life, and a widow hoped to resolve your situation, do not know what the problem is YOU in the day, but if that can ISRAEL ELOHIN of the UD is expecting miracle this morning, because when the prophet was asked what was the widow to give the miracle, so God asks you what you have, what tools YHWH has given UD, to give the miracle?, believe in God because he is God of the impossible and what he did before, I can do now

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

Faithfulness of YHWH.

Faithfulness of YHWH.

In many passages of Scripture speaks of how faithful is THE ELOHIM OF ISRAEL toward us, because his love is not conditional, but we fence of a back and forth in our spiritual journey, he is still on our side, and sometimes we do not realize it until something bad happens to us, that's where we think that if you are on our side.
This passage that I came by text messaging on my phone does not have the verse, transcribed here as it came. "... And I will put this people a fortified wall of bronze, and will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to help and defend you, saith THE ELOHIM OF ISRAEL," Amen.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011


Once a pair of lovers walking in a place they both loved very much, and as they walked the boy tells his girlfriend - Are you listening?, And she says no and says, - The birds are saying I love you I love you, I love you very happy .- she continued holding hands as they walked but later she says are you listening? - And he responded by saying 'If the birds are saying that you love me, to which she replied they did not just say "Prove it, prove it."

Life is complicated sometimes say one thing and do another, it's like a contradiction, if we really want someone to prove it.

Nothing in the history of mankind so great a manifestation of love as Yahshua did at Calvary, for the love he died for you, so that you have life eternal with him, not counting their sins, if we deserve such a sacrifice of love, he did, because we love, do you love the Lord?, show, and how?, obeying his commandments

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

"Blessed is the man in the Torah of YHWH is crime."

"Blessed is the man in the Torah of YHWH is crime."

One of the most beautiful is YHWH promises to their children is found in Psalm # 1, do not know who wrote it, but if you can know that the person who made it had experienced the prosperity that comes from obedience to the Torah as it makes an analogy of the tree planted on the banks of a river that nourishes it and when your time comes, having grown up or matured spiritually, not before, yields its fruit, its leaves do not wither, while in obedience to the Torah and everything he does succeed, because he delights in this study, the word next to the promise made by the messiah when he said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of YHWH, and all will be added unto you" So dear reader, if you want to prosper in your life do not believe these false teachers and the Bible that give you prosperity in exchange for your money, there's only one way, meditate on the Torah and seek first the kingdom of YHWH, that then can be prosperous, not rich, but thriving.