miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012



They say the world's best seller is one who can sell and sell everything that is regardless of whether the product is good or bad, in life sold thousands of things, especially ideas that promise things that will help you when the time anunciándote miraculous television and purchases and sales and when you use it and then you realize that it was not what you expected, Satan always sells his product, which is sin always has done well selling the idea that nothing is going to pass, "The day you eat of the tree will open your eyes and you will be like God, knowing good and evil", he is very clever and you sell these ideas, "if it's nice to have to be good" .. "If all the world does not must be bad "," If you have not tried do not know what you're missing. "" once a year it does not hurt. "
That is the work that you miss, there's only one way of combating these ideas, James said 4, 7 "Resist the devil and this will flee from you"

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