martes, 31 de julio de 2012

For whatsoever things were written before were written for our learning so that through endurance and the consolidation of the scriptures might have hope "Romans 15-4.

For whatsoever things were written before were written for our learning so that through endurance and the consolidation of the scriptures might have hope "Romans 15-4.

The good will that YHVH had with humans has never diminished nor has lost or is no longer manifest because it is part of himself so that nobody can say it's unfair Elohim, these things were written before, is the Torah was given at Sinai as the guide and hope to reach the fullness of the Spirit in obedience and in turn filled with the knowledge of the Lord.

Want to know Yeshua?, Good thing you want, start by obeying the Torah, its commandments and to the extent of your obedience you will have the measure of the revelation of writing, no other way, remember that the Torah is alive, is still in force , became flesh and dwelt among us, if you have been told that this is the Old Testament, remember that the Torah is the same yesterday, today and forever. AMEN.  

                                                                                  JOSE DOMINGO FUENTES

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