martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

"One of the disciples said, Lord ... teach us to pray ... and said, When ye pray, say .... Thy kingdom come "Luke 11:1-2

"One of the disciples said, Lord ... teach us to pray ... and said, When ye pray, say .... Thy kingdom come "Luke 11:1-2

When they said "teach us to pray" the Master raised his eyes and passed by the distant horizon of YHWH. He met the ultimate dream of the Immortal and collecting all that YHWH trying to do for human life, expressed in the following brief and fertile words, "When you pray, pray like this"
The contrast between this and the many prayers we have heard is great. When we follow the counsel of our hearts, what we ask? "Oh, Lord, bless me, bless my family, my church, my people, my country" and finally ask for the extension of His kingdom through the large parish in the world.

The Master begins where we end. The world first, my personal needs then is the order followed in this sentence. When my prayer has crossed every continent and more distant islands of the seas, has been included after the last man of the race less civilized, after it has fully expressed the desire and purpose of God to the world, then it is only teaches that when I ask for a piece of bread for me.
If Yahshua gave Himself for us, and us in Holy Cross extravagance, is it too much if he asks us to do the same thing? No man or woman is worthless in the kingdom, nor any soul yet never touches the edge of the area of power, until he learns that what interested Yahshua is the supreme business of life and all life considerations , however dear or important they may be, are subordinate to it.
Dr. Francis
"And His kingdom will have no borders," Luke 1:33

"The missionary enterprise is not the repair of the restoration of Israel, but the presence of the Messiah."
Henry Van Dyke

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

PSALM XX This psalm is a prayer for the kings of Israel but related to the MESSIAH

This psalm is a prayer for the kings of Israel but related to the MESSIAH
Even the greatest of men can be in very serious trouble. Neither the
royal crown on her head, nor the grace of his heart rid of
afflictions. Even the greatest of men must pray much. no one
be able to pray for himself and neglects prayer, wait for the
benefit of the prayers of the church or their friends. He must pray that YHWH
protect him and preserve his life. YHWH prepare him to follow in
their companies for the public good. We know that YHWH accepts
our spiritual sacrifices if, by his Spirit, light a holy fire
of piety and love of God in our soul. Also he should pray that the
Lord crowned with success their companies. Our first step to victory in the
spiritual warfare is to trust only in the mercy and grace of YHWH;
all who trust in themselves will soon be demolished. -Believers
succeed in THE ELOHIM OF ISRAEL and his revelation, as distinguished from those who live without God in the world. Those with gratitude to YHWH and his name can
trust in God and his name. This happened when the pride and power of the
Jewish unbelief and pagan idolatry, fell before the sermons and life
of the humble believers in Yahshua. So it is in conflict with
our spiritual enemies, as well happen on the last day, when the
world, along with her ​​prince, is thrown and fall, but the believers,
raised from the dead through the resurrection of the LORD, will rise
and sing his praises in heaven. Rejoice in the salvation of
YAHSHUA we raise our standards and in the name of the Lord our God YHWH THE POWERFUL OF ISRAEL
confident that we will be winners from all enemies by force
saving his right hand.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

The Walls of Nehemiah.

The Walls of Nehemiah.    In the stories of the Bible is a man who stands out among all for its commitment to do things like Nehemiah, lived in Persia what is now Iran, and felt that his life was missing something to do, and knew it was rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and the temple had been rebuilt but the city was in ruins, so gold YHWH and the king of Persia sent him, or rather what repatriated to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem as a city is as strong as the walls that surround it, lasted only 53 days of reconstruction, says the Bible, but in those days, had many problems as its neighbors tried to prevent such a reconstruction.    The similarity of the life of the believer in the Messiah, Holy One of Israel, it is the same, we want to follow her heart, but we are unprotected around, we have a wall of defense and we are vulnerable to any attack the enemy, look at your house, for there are two angles, corners, where you walk outside and the other where you sit, inside, so there are two kinds of sentences, a comfortable, where you ask that Yhwh will supply your needs and another and another prayer is one of delivery,'''' lord use me, then the lesson should be, not to be comfortable, but willing and able to do the will of YHWH in every situation and he that keepeth Israel will be your protection, as an insurmountable of collapse.

                                                                     JOSE DOMINGO FUENTES

jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Psalm 23

Psalm 23

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
23 A psalm of David:
Adonai is my shepherd; I lack nothing.
2 He has me lie down in grassy pastures,
he leads me by quiet water,
3 he restores my inner person.
He guides me in right paths
for the sake of his own name.
4 Even if I pass through death-dark ravines,
I will fear no disaster; for you are with me;
your rod and staff reassure me.
5 You prepare a table for me,
even as my enemies watch;
you anoint my head with oil
from an overflowing cup.
6 Goodness and grace will pursue me
every day of my life;
and I will live in the house of Adonai
for years and years to come.

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. "Revelation 14:3

There are songs that can only be learned in the valley. No art can teach, nor any royal phonics can make you sing perfectly His music is at the heart. They are songs of remembrance, from personal experience.St. John says that even in heaven there will be a song that can only be sung by the children on earth the seed of redemption. Undoubtedly it is a song of triumph, a victory anthem MESSIAH freed us. But the sense of triumph necessarily born of memories of the chain.No angel or archangel can sing like me. To sing like me, would have to go through my exile, and that they can not do. No one can learn, but the children of the Cross.And so, my soul, you're getting a music lesson in your Heavenly Father. To you it is being educated for the choir invisible. There are parts in the symphony that no one else except you can do. There are strings too small for angels. There can be high in the symphony that exceed the scale, only the Angels can achieve, but there are depths that belong to you and only you can touch.Your Heavenly Father, we are preparing for the part that angels can not sing, and the school is suffering. I have heard many say that He sends you to prove suffering, no, this will send it to educate, to train for the choir invisible.At night he prepares the song. He tunes your voice, in the valleys. In the clouds He is atirantando your strings. In the rain He is sweetening your melody. In the cold He shapes your expression. In the transition from hope to fear he perfects your knowledge.Do not despise the school of affliction, she will give you the opportunity to take a very special part in the universal song.George Matheson

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012

Mi chamocha, ba'elim, Adonai?

Who is like You, Adonai, among other gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, awesome in praises, doing wonders?.  Many times in the desert of Sinai, the Almighty is expressed in different ways to make themselves known to more than one million people who had brought from Egypt through Moses, not only descendants of Jacob Israelites left that morning but hundreds of thousand foreigners who had made ​​the Israelites or relatives with the same conviction that the God of Israel, God was more powerful than had been known to Egypt, because as He who could do what he did, I mean the ten plagues with which whip the most powerful empire the world?, but the most curious was that of the ten plagues were all directed toward their gods could do nothing.  First shown as much power out of Egypt in haste and there in the Sinai, received the commandments that lead to eternal life, however, before this holy and awesome mighty God doing wonders for those who fear him and seek him day without SESAR and night, not manifest His power in your favor in the middle of l; a crisis for which you are going?, will be like one of those who fled Egypt and then in the desert about your problem you will give back?, or will be like Josue back to recognize that when the earth with the other eleven, he said, "Although there are giant, the Almighty will give us the victory"

                                                                                 JOSE DOMINGO FUENTES