martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

"One of the disciples said, Lord ... teach us to pray ... and said, When ye pray, say .... Thy kingdom come "Luke 11:1-2

"One of the disciples said, Lord ... teach us to pray ... and said, When ye pray, say .... Thy kingdom come "Luke 11:1-2

When they said "teach us to pray" the Master raised his eyes and passed by the distant horizon of YHWH. He met the ultimate dream of the Immortal and collecting all that YHWH trying to do for human life, expressed in the following brief and fertile words, "When you pray, pray like this"
The contrast between this and the many prayers we have heard is great. When we follow the counsel of our hearts, what we ask? "Oh, Lord, bless me, bless my family, my church, my people, my country" and finally ask for the extension of His kingdom through the large parish in the world.

The Master begins where we end. The world first, my personal needs then is the order followed in this sentence. When my prayer has crossed every continent and more distant islands of the seas, has been included after the last man of the race less civilized, after it has fully expressed the desire and purpose of God to the world, then it is only teaches that when I ask for a piece of bread for me.
If Yahshua gave Himself for us, and us in Holy Cross extravagance, is it too much if he asks us to do the same thing? No man or woman is worthless in the kingdom, nor any soul yet never touches the edge of the area of power, until he learns that what interested Yahshua is the supreme business of life and all life considerations , however dear or important they may be, are subordinate to it.
Dr. Francis
"And His kingdom will have no borders," Luke 1:33

"The missionary enterprise is not the repair of the restoration of Israel, but the presence of the Messiah."
Henry Van Dyke

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