lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Whose offering will be welcomed?

Then Moses became very angry and said to the LORD, "Do not accept their offering."
(Num. 16:15a NIV)
Whose offering will be welcomed?

Korach and his followers' conflict had to do with authority. Who is the boss? The Hebrew text, on verse 3 says that they rose over – al, על – Moshe and over – al, על – Aharon. They had an attitude of rebellion and self exaltation. Instead of submitting to those the Eternal assigned, they lifted up themselves and, in their own minds they placed themselves over the leaders, questioning their motives and blaming them for not fulfilling their promises when it was themselves who brought an unfavourable sentence from the heavenly court. It wasn't Moshe who failed; it was them due to their lack of trust in the Eternal.

When Moshe Rabbenu got upset about what they said, he didn't threaten them back, nor spoke a word against them. He was able to control his character in the middle of his anger and in that critical moment he turned to the Eternal. It was the best he could have done.
He asked the Eternal not to accept their offering, which they were going to bring the next day, to make evident that they weren't chosen as priests and that the path to power is not the result of pushing others around. If Korach and his followers would have been accepted as priests instead or with Moshe and Aharon, it would have been a disaster for the people. This kind of leadership full of envy, rivalry, criticism, lies; rebellion and self exaltation would have taken the entire people to their ruin. In other words, Moshe was asking: "Deliver us from such a leadership!!"
Moshe asked the Eternal not to accept their offering because their attitude wasn't correct. The one who approaches the Eternal can't do it with an arrogant spirit but with fear and tremor. If the Eternal would have accepted the rebels' offering, he would have approved their rebellion. One can't mock the Eternal. If one approaches Him, he has to be willing to submit to His rules and not tell Him what to do. Moshe's prayer was in agreement with the Eternal's justice. He can't accept the fools' offering.

In Ecclesiastes 5:1 it's written: “Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil.” (NKJV) If one approaches the Eternal only to offer sacrifice but without the intention of listening in the sense of obeying, he is a fool.

In Psalm 66:18 it's written: “If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear.” (NKJV)

Dear disciple of the Messiah: Be careful not to rise above the Eternal's assigned leaders. You don't have to agree with everything they say and do, but that doesn't give you the right to rise above them. Do as Moshe did, when you see injustice, speak to the Eternal and pray that He does justice. Don't take justice in your own hands. Don't speak against the leaders you consider to be in error, nor speak against those who rise above your leadership. Speak to the Eternal and let Him judge. He sets and takes away leadership positions.
Don't try to take advantage of the Eternal by presenting offerings to Him. That's dangerous. If you practice fornication, lie, or keep the tithe for yourself, don't ask for healing for your body, or blessings in your economy. Don't bring offerings in order to be accepted or rewarded. Settle your accounts with Him and submit to His orders. By doing this, you will have the approval of the Eternal and also of the men who know Him. That one who exalts himself will be humiliated and the one who humbles himself will be lifted up.


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